The Key Systems for Success That You Need!

mastery review strategy success systems Jun 24, 2019

I was originally going to wait to write about systems until the fall when everyone is ready to get back into work mode after the holidays.

But I decided to share it all with you now, at the beginning of the summer. Because if you're able to apply and create one new system in your work or personal life, then it will be there ready for you when things ramp up again in September.

So until then, I encourage you to pick one or two areas to focus on over the summer to benefit from the gains you'll make in streamlining your process and building a system you can follow during the rest of the year!


How will setting up success systems make a difference in my career and business results?


I share these to inspire you to see areas where you may be able to uplevel your performance and overall energy, efficiency and happiness!

When you put in a system (and follow it!) then you gain from the process already being laid out for you, you just follow in the footsteps of the path you've already laid out (or someone else has for you).

That way you aren't re-inventing the wheel every time, especially for activities that happen only once a month (monthly reports), quarterly (car servicing or work events) or once a year (performance reviews, christmas or annual planning).

By building systems, you end up being able to automate some of the process and build on lessons learned in the previous run through.

Eventually, you can even delegate the process where appropriate because you've already created the process and steps for someone to follow on your behalf. Whether that's to hire new staff or delegate to your assistant or kids.


How will Success Systems make a difference in my personal life?


Regardless of whether you add a new work system or personal system into your life, you'll see the benefits in your personal life.

You'll have more energy at the end of the work day.

You'll have more time and mental capacity to put towards other projects.

You'll build a system that will support you and your team/business for the future.

You'll create space in your life for something fun!

So if you've been struggling in any way to get everything done on your to-do list, keep up with emails and manage life in general...

Then I encourage you to find a system to follow to help you master that area of your leadership and life!


What personal or lifestyle Success Systems do you need for mastery?

Well, this will be different for everyone depending on where you're at today and what your goals are... but everyone can improve their level of master and success by adding a few new success systems into their personal life! 

First, let's start with some personal and lifestyle systems.

Here are some that I am currently using to increase my performance and efficiency at home and in my personal needs:

1. Meal Planning System: weekly with groceries and meal prep on Sundays to set us up for the week ahead. This sets me up for success in my food choices which directly impacts my energy, mental clarity, mood and overall sense of well-being. 

2. Exercise System: morning walks and a weekly Pilates class to help me get stronger and increase my overall fitness. To ensure I stick with my exercise routines while continuing to expand my fitness, I follow a gradual increase approach to adding more challenging activities and recently just started adding morning HIIT activities to my routine. 

3. Water Intake System: I've followed a Hydration Challenge system to boost my hydration and energy daily.

4. House Cleaning System: I've recently began following a House Cleaning System inspired by the Fly Lady System and I'm loving it! It includes a weekly hour of house cleaning, plus 15 minutes of de-cluttering or deep cleaning in a different zone each week.

5. Scheduling System: I follow my own Inside-Out Scheduling System to set up my schedule so I have extra energy, inspiration and quality time for my leadership roles, businesses and work, with time and energy to spare for my husband, family & friends, plus myself too! You can download a copy of my Inside-Out Scheduling Guide here :)

6. Wealth Management & Abundance Tracking System: I also follow a regular routine with tracking my overall abundance and wealth management with both my personal and business finances... I'm good friends with my money and the time I spend on this system has had exponential value!

7. Special Holidays & Activities Systems: I even use a camping system and Christmas planning system to make things easier and build on previous lessons learned!

What about you?

What systems do you use or follow in your personal life? What have I missed? What personal mastery systems do you recommend? Let me know in the comments :)

Is there one (or more) system here that you'd like to focus on or add to your life at this point so you can benefit from the exponential gains it will bring you?

This is how you become a SUPERSTAR SUCCESS in everything you do... by adding systems to your work and life, you gain more time, energy, mental space and the benefits from the specific system in your life.

Which then can snow-ball into another system for success and eventually, each tiny incremental upgrade has a GIANT impact on your level of success!!!


What professional or leadership Success Systems do you need for mastery?


Now, let's look at some professional or leadership and business systems.

Here are some I currently use or have used in the past to boost my performance and efficiency in my leadership roles and business:

1. Daily Actions Checklist & System

2. Weekly Reflection & Review

3. Monthly Planning & KPI Review

4. Quarterly Planning & Focus

5. Annual & Strategic Planning

6. Meeting Prep System

7. Performance Review System

8. Client Documentation & Reporting System

9. Bi-weekly Business Management Review System

10. Morale Building System

11. Lead Generating Systems

12. Client Nuturing Systems

13. Program Development & Review Systems

What about you?

What systems do you use or follow in your professional life? What have I missed?

What professional or leadership mastery systems do you recommend? Let me know in the comments :)

Is there one here that you'd like to focus on or add to your work life?

Or maybe you'd like support setting up a bunch of these systems so you can get maximum benefit from your efforts without re-doing work every time you engage in a system. 

By making a standardized system that you follow, your intentions and plans can flow with the system and you build on the habit which makes the connections stronger each time you go through the system. 

This is another way to work "smarter, not harder" while getting waaay more accomplished!

This is a key aspect to everything I cover in my Lifestyle Mastery for Leaders group coaching program where we work together to set up your scheduling, planning and review systems and more to increase your level of mastery in your life so you can work and live with more ease, joy and influence! 

Plus, you can take away a large amount of friction when you set up smooth running systems in your work and personal lives. 

For those of you who'd like to check out the daily, monthly and quarterly systems I follow in my work and personal life, you can download a free copy of the Empowered Leader Planning Kit here:

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